Marijuanilla Seeds


“Leonurus sibiricus”

Open Pollinated, WA Homegrown, Hand Sifted and Sorted with Love


Leonurus sibiricus, also known as Siberian motherwort, is a versatile herb with various health benefits. It has been used in traditional medicine for centuries to treat menstrual and menopausal symptoms, as well as to calm the nervous system and improve sleep. The plant contains various compounds that have anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties, making it useful for reducing inflammation and promoting overall health. Additionally, it has been found to have mild sedative effects, which can be beneficial for those with anxiety or insomnia

Sowing Guide

Season: Early Spring - Summer - Biennial

Difficulty: Easy

Germination: 14-30 days @ 18 -22°C

Plant Spacing: 50cm Plant Height: 2.5m

Position: Part to Full Sun, Well Draining Soil, Sow Seeds Shallowly, Needs light to germinate

Standard Seed Pack: Approx 20 Seeds

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