Dandelion Plant


“Taraxacum officinale”

PLANT AVAILABILITY: From Late Summer/Early Winter



Dandelion has a long history of culinary use, although the leaves have a bitter taste. Fresh young leaves are less bitter and may be used in salads. Young leaves also make nice sandwiches when combined with fresh bread and butter. Alternatively, dandelion leaves may be used as a vegetable, like spinach, by adding them to cooked dishes and lightly seasoning. The roasted roots of the plant are used to make a ground ‘coffee’, which is said to be almost indistinguishable from real coffee. Dandelion coffee is completely natural and has a general stimulant effect on the body, specifically the liver and kidneys.


Dandelion is a hardy biennial, or perennial, with bright yellow flowers, that can grow up to 30 cm high. The characteristic grey, hairy ‘parachute’ seed head or seed ‘ball’ is easily recognised. It has a characteristic milky sap that exudes from the all parts of the plant, but is especially noticeable in broken stems and in the cut roots. The bright, yellow flowers are produced on purplish, hollow and leafless stems that sit above the large leaves, spread around the base of the stem in a flat rosette. The leaves are large, glossy, have deep notches and a toothy appearance. The grooves on the leaves are designed to direct rainfall down towards the roots.

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