Catnip Plant

from $8.00
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“Nepeta Cataria”

PLANT AVAILABILITY: From Early Spring to Late Autumn



Besides making your cats extra relaxed and happy, catnip has additional health benefits. Catnip is particularly effective in aiding digestive issues, especially constipation, excess flatulence, cramping, and bloating. Catnip is a carminative, helping to remove air stuck in the intestines by pushing it downwards until it’s expelled from the body. The relaxing, anti-inflammatory effects of Catnip's organic compounds can ease the knots and inflammation of the gastrointestinal system and relieve tightness and discomfort.

For your cats, catnip can be a good way to encourage play and movement. For anxious cats, it can reduce stress in unfamiliar settings.


Season: Autumn to Spring / Perennial

Soil: Rich and well draining

Watering: Keep moist

Position: Part shade, Keep in pot

Fertilising: Compost, Manure, Liquid feed

Use: Catnip tea is most commonly used to treat nervousness and anxiety, Has been known to help indigestion and insomnia. It may be used to treat gastrointestinal upset, including indigestion, cramping, and gas.

Growing tips: Keep contained, can be invasive, will die back in Summer

Companion Plants: Parsley, Chives, Other Mint Varieties

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